September 10, 2009

Not so clear

And update to the previous post where Rob Sama's comment made me click some links I hadn't.

There's too many things that don't look right in this.
The prosecutor's op ed.
From some a paper called the Corsicana Daily Sun.

First, what the heck is a French newspaper doing writing about a deal in Texas?

This is from the story linked in the previous post
As I note in my story, there is evidence that Willingham hit his wife, even when she was pregnant, but there were no police reports or medical evidence indicating that Willingham had tried to abort or kill his children. And Willingham’s wife insisted during the trial and under interrogation that Willingham had not physically abused the children. She told police, “Our kids were spoiled rotten.”

This is a quote from the original story about this case written in 1992.
the defendant’s wife who testified her children were not afraid of their father, denied her husband beat her or tried to kill the twins while she was pregnant with them by kicking her in the stomach.
Mrs. Willingham said she was not an abused or battered wife...snip...
“Me and Todd argued just like anybody else,” she said. “A lot of times, Todd got more bruises and stuff than I did.”

Okay, but Grann says that we know that he beat her when she was pregnant, yet there she is denying it.

I knew a girl once who was beaten by her father and her boyfriends. Another friend once asked her why she put up with it, she answered, "Because it shows he loves me." We were both creeped out by that answer.
I dated a girl once whose father beat her. One time we were arguing about something and I got really mad and punched the roof of my car (I did that a lot when I was 16-20), she got this weird smile, it was as if she was looking forward to me hitting her. That creeped me out too. (That's where I learned the truth of the statement that guys who beat women are pussies. I was in her house when he started hitting her, I was 16 he was a workingman's 45 or so, I grabbed him and tossed him across the kitchen and when he tried to hit me, it was like a girl/slappy fight. I could have totally kicked his ass, all I did was keep him from hitting me while yelling, "Chill out man". Since then, I've taken every opportunity to humiliate chumps like that. I do everything I can to get them to throw a punch and laugh in their faces when they don't, calling them the pussies they are)

Women who put up with being beaten have weird relationships with their beaters. So I don't know if I would find her testimony credible.

I do have to wonder if this was the deciding factor (Grigson is a psychiatrist)
Grigson testified that a person who had experienced the incidents prosecution witnesses testified Willingham had experienced – including killing a dog by beating in the head with a stick and running it over with an automobile – was a sociopath.

Grigson defined a sociopath as one who does not have a conscious, who manipulates people, who has a disregard for other’s people property and – in its most severe form – has a disregard for other human beings.

Should a sociopath become involved in extremely violent activities before the age of 30, there is virtually no type of medical treatment and no type of medicine that can treat that person, Grigson testified under questioning by Jackson. He also said that such a person would “absolutely” be a continuing threat in the future, a question the jurors must answer when deciding whether to sentence Willingham to death.

So maybe they just decided he needed killin?

I'm not sure how that affects how I feel about this.
On the one hand, we don't need people deciding that someone needs killin for non-death-penalty reasons, on the other hand, this made it through the appeals courts.

I'm more confused, but less sure he's innocent.

Posted by: Veeshir at 08:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 09, 2009

Good question

Via the Agitator we find this story about a guy who might have been wrongly executed.

He supposedly set a fire that killed his children. If you follow the links, the guy isn't a choir boy, he was a career criminal, but there are questions about whether the fire was really arson.
That sucks, a lot. If the allegations are true, the fire marshall whose testimony helped convict the guy should be severely punished. Like the same punishment as an equivalent murder.

So the Agitator wants to know, if the guy was innocent, would this change my mind on the death penalty?

Not really, there are instances where it's beyond doubt that the perpetrator is guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt (Mumia for instance),

I would be in favor of making sure that it's beyond a shadow of a doubt, like you need witnesses (plural) or like in My Cousin Vinny if they had found the gun, without the gun, I wouldn't have thought that was a death penalty case.

If anybody asked, I would have guessed you need more than just circumstantial evidence to execute.

I am going to have to assume, since they think the fire wasn't set so he's innocent, the case was all circumstantial evidence, I would say you need direct evidence, witnesses, the murder weapon with the suspect's fingerprints or in his possession, fingerprints on the victims neck, stuff like that.

I know taking a person's life is a serious step, but there are certain people where it's worse to leave them alive. How do you control some guy who's in jail for life with no possibility for parole? He can kill in prison (prisoners, guards, visitors, lawyers) with impunity. What are you gonna do? Give him another life sentence?

Posted by: Veeshir at 11:26 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 298 words, total size 2 kb.


The UN can always be counted on to do the exactly wrong thing.

In today's exciting episode, they've decided to honor Evo Morales, budding commie dictator of Bolivia, Castro, "almost dead" commie dictator of Cuba and Nyerere, dead socialist president of Tanzania. (He actually looks pretty benign for an African President for 24 years)

 Morales is officially "the maximum exponent and paradigm of love for Mother Earth." Castro is "World Hero of Solidarity." The late Nyerere is "World Hero of Social Justice."

General Assembly President Miguel D'Escoto Brockmann said, "What we want to do is present these three people to the world and say that they embody virtues and values worth emulation by all of us."

The only good thing I can say about those two paragraphs is that they spelled all the words correctly.
I am surprised that they were that honest in the last sentence, Castro and his wannabes embody the "virtues" most UN assembly members want to emulate.
They're big fans of socialism/communism, repression, muzzling the press, rigged elections and jailing dissidents.

This is a good place to advertise FrnakJ's "Top Ten UN Slogans" T-shirt.
"Bringing peace to our world (actual results may vary"
I get a bunch of dirty looks and "tch"s when I wear one of mine, but I also get  a bunch of people who ask me where I got it.
It's almost as good as my "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" t-shirt for getting responses.

Posted by: Veeshir at 05:01 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 242 words, total size 2 kb.

September 07, 2009

Do they have a template?

It's like they have a template.
They talk about the world cooling, "quote" some unnamted "experts"who tell us that recent data means nothing, the world is going to start warming any day now and let us know WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!1!!1!!!.

And they don't mention the Sun or anything to do with its anomalous activity lately.
It's been surprisingly inactive, both in sunspots and even in the solar wind. That's at the lowest it's been in the 50 years they've been studying it and it's around 20% lower than it was in 1995.
We can't really measure it all the time for some reason (I'm not a solar scientist, I know not to stare at it and that's about it, I'm the fool who gets sunburn every time I go to Florida) but we had  good measurements in 1995 because of a probe and got it again recently because of its orbit.

So, the Earth has been cooling now, for some unknown reason, if you only read the first article, but it's gonna warm really soon and WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!! unless we give Al Gore money or something.
I've decided they're counting on sunspots to restart "any day now", just like real scientists have been saying for a year.
How funny would it be if global warmmongers cripple our ability to produce and use energy just as the next ice age is starting?

Funniest End of Civilization Funny.
That's how funny.
And that scares me.
In a funny way.
(My first foray into drunkblogging, and you were there).

Posted by: Veeshir at 12:49 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 264 words, total size 2 kb.

September 01, 2009

WTF Europe?

A whole two posts ago I was wondering what the deal was in Poland.
The Poles are commemorating the beginning of WWII.
The US, France and GB aren't going to be there but Russia and Germany is. So "Us" is not there but "Them" is. Weird. But it makes sense, they don't have their feckless allies from WWII (GB, FR) and the current, missile-defensively feckless ally (US) there.
So anyway, now we have Tsar Putin I blaming WWII on, well let's let him tell us
Moscow's deal with Hitler was "immoral," Vladimir Putin wrote... (You can smell the "but" coming, can't you?V) But he also blamed other European nations for leaving the Soviet Union to face Nazi Germany alone.

I've been reading Churchill's history of WWII for about a year or so. I keep putting it down, it's dense.
But he said Stalin said the same thing constantly. Which was pretty funny considering Russia and Germany had a deal on how to split up Poland that kicked off the Phony War, Russia waited until Germany killed the Polish army before invading and sold Germany all kinds of war-related materials like rubber while Churchill and the Brits were fighting for their lives.
Churchill practically begged Stalin to stop but got nowhere.

After Hitler invaded the USSR, Stalin wanted the Brits to invade the next day.
After helping Hitler kick the Brits off and take the whole continent. now it's the USSR who was "fighting alone". Oh woe is me.

I do have to agree with this
Without a doubt there are full grounds to condemn the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of August 1939. But after all, a year earlier France and England signed a well-known agreement with Hitler in Munich, destroying all hope for the creation of a joint front for the fight against fascism," Putin wrote.

Well, except that Stalin wasn't really interested in a "Joint front for the fight against fascism" until Hitler invaded. Before that? Well, encouraging and trading with him and giving him intelligence and screwing Britain kept them kind of too busy to do much jointly fronting.

And the laugher for the night
Yet Putin also struck a conciliatory note with Poland—a former Soviet satellite-turned European Union member—saying that the grief caused by the 1940 murder of more than 20,000 Polish prisoners of war by the Soviet NKVD struck a cord with the average Soviet citizen, who also suffered under totalitarianism.

Yeah, it was the mean, old commies like the NKVD, not the KGB.
According to wikipedia, he was stationed in East Germany.
Not really a hotbed of espionage and murder and stuff, right? East Germany didn't anything like the Stasi..... oh yeah.

So we have an KGB agent from East Germany (for a good documentary about it, watch Top Secret) explaining how it was the bad commies who did bad things to them, not the nice, new totally non-commie Empire of Tsar Put... errr..uhhhh... The Peaceloving new Russia.

I say we all pinky swear now that whoever gets France and Belgium in this war has to keep them.

Posted by: Veeshir at 01:08 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 515 words, total size 5 kb.

August 28, 2009

They can't stand for this, can they?

The British rulers are planning on taking away glass pints.

Apparently, they can break and the Brits are basically treated as children anymore, so they can't be trusted with breakables.

One plan is all plastic, another is to coat the glass with plastic.

Drinking out of plastic is only fun when it's a keg, in the woods, and you're pretty sure the girl you're talking to is going to go for a walk in the dark with you.

And plastic cups isn't even the worse plan.
"We could do something more radical, by looking at the whole shape and substance of the pint - we could come up with something that is completely different to glass.
"Remember that years ago people used to drink out of pewter tankards. It could be quite a significant paradigm shift."

I'm guessing it'll be sippy cups.

I've seen a lot of stuff that made me think, "Are they gonna stand for that?" and they freaking have.

If they allow their masters to take their freaking pint glasses, well, that's that.

I have high hopes for the Brits on this one. They kept it a "pint" after all when the EUnuchs tried to get them to stop selling pints and change it to litres.

Posted by: Veeshir at 02:24 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 215 words, total size 1 kb.


Well that's freaking weird.
Poland is having a deal to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the start of WWII.
There's some question about who snubbed whom, nobody from France, the UK or the US are on the guest list.
But what makes it weird is that Merkel and Putin will be there.
In other words, their feckless allies from WWII are not invited nor the currently feckless ally (us), but the leaders of the two countries that invaded their country and pretty much raped it will be there.

That's weird. Something weird has to be going on.

I wonder what?

Posted by: Veeshir at 12:42 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 101 words, total size 1 kb.

August 26, 2009


The columnists at the Washington Post got pretty deranged just before the 2004 election. They were heading for "Paper of Record" status when they chucked it all away to defeat Bush.
Richard Cohen is a fine example of the muddled, brain-dead thing that passes for "analysis" by the columnists there.
In this example, he's kinda, sorta souring on Obama. He can't sell his vision.
Cohen doesn't know what Obama's vision is but he trusts Obama.

The hook is that Obama has to teach us.
He mentions that the Gates story could have been teachable and lays out this howler
I quote
 Obama stayed above the fray

Calling the guy stupid in front of a national audience is "above the fray"?
Cohen blames all the chatter on people like Glenn Beck, but doesn't acknowledge that if Obama hadn't trashed the guy on national TV nobody would have been talking about it.

I know lefties like to rewrite history, but really. That's ridiculous.

Posted by: Veeshir at 01:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 162 words, total size 1 kb.

How soon they forget.

(I have no idea who ANSA is, but it feels right so I'm going in)
Has it really been 6 years since?

Apparently Quadiafiahy has forgotten that feeling he had that day when he woke up, saw Saddam pulled out of a septic tank with some US soldiers posing with him and called Condi and said she should come over and pick up some spare WMDs he just found.
The Colonel himself showed no signs of contrition yesterday. Gaddafi, indeed, made it known through press agency Jana, that the West still has "a policy of double measures resulting from its arrogance and disdain it has for other nations and their public opinion". It is a policy "that generates the terrorism which they now suffer (referring to those countries protesting over al Megrahìs reception).

He goes on to compare that to the Belgian nurses who were "convicted" of infecting babies with AIDS.
You know, cuz EUnuch nurses going to some African hell-hole are all there to kill babies.

So far Obama's insulted and scared our allies while encouraging and sucking up to our enemies.

Now he's making predictions all tough.
There's going to be a major war probably in a year, maybe up to 2 but I doubt it.
Where? Africa is starting to look even better than Asia. China needs for our military to be cut down even more before they get too frisky with Taiwan.
Who the hell knows what the poofy haired maniac will do or when?

Iran is the wild card. It depends on how close they are to getting the bomb.

It's stopped being so funny and now it's mostly getting endy.

Posted by: Veeshir at 12:19 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 281 words, total size 2 kb.

August 11, 2009

Now that's Pr0n

Every year I have them take the maximum amount out of my paycheck so I get a lot back. Yes, I could make interest if I did it myself. Operative words, "If I did it myself".
Who doesn't want a .50BMG, but who does want to spend $4,000-$10,000 on one?
So I know what I'm getting next year.
Actually, I'm not sure I can wait.
The Tactalite .50 BMG upper for an AR-15 lower.
That's right, I can turn my Bushmaster AR-15 into a .50BMG. They even have an 18 inch barrel, gods know for what, I'll take the 22 inch barrel.
It shoots through countries./Danny Vermin
I already have a .50 Beowulf and of course the original Bushmaster .223 upper.
That's a rifle, goes from .223 to .50 Beowulf to .50BMG.
When it gets a lot more endy than funny, I'll still be able to laugh.

Posted by: Veeshir at 02:20 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 155 words, total size 1 kb.

August 10, 2009

It's that time!!!

Football starts tonight, so I think it's time to relive one of my favorite football memories.

That was a good day.

Posted by: Veeshir at 11:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 24 words, total size 1 kb.

August 07, 2009


Got it from Harvey at IMAO

You can make your own here
If you scroll down, it's already there, you just have to caption it.

I captioned in the "top" and "bottom" boxes, I don't know where the "middle" would go.

Posted by: Veeshir at 01:05 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 44 words, total size 1 kb.

August 06, 2009

Mee Nu hates me

My favorite commercial ever.

Posted by: Veeshir at 10:44 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 8 words, total size 1 kb.

July 31, 2009


Now that's funny.

Apparently, contrary to popular screaming opinion, Mac's do get viruses.

Oh Noes! It's the Uber-Mac, the iPhone.
Security experts have uncovered flaws in Apple Inc's iPhone that they said hackers can exploit to take control of the popular device, using the tactic for identity theft and other crimes.

Posted by: Veeshir at 11:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 53 words, total size 1 kb.

July 30, 2009

Let's blow up the blog

My first attempt at a video has to be my favorite You Tube.

Update: Fixed 10/14  



Posted by: Veeshir at 11:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 21 words, total size 1 kb.

July 29, 2009


Just when you think Obama can't sink any lower, he does.
The U.S. government said Tuesday it has revoked the diplomatic visas of four Honduran officials, stepping up pressure on coup-installed leaders who insist they can resist international demands to restore the ousted president.

The U.S. State Department did not name the four, but a Honduran official said they included the Supreme Court magistrate who ordered the arrest of ousted President Manuel Zelda and the president of Honduras' Congress.

They are the ones that Honduras' Constitution give the power to do what they did to a potential dictator, like that commie bastid Zelaya, friend of Obama, Castro and Chavez.

He's spending more time and effort to screw over the Hondurans than he's spending on anything else except trying to get us to shut up over that stupid, racist cop who hassled his friend.

And notice the editorializing in this supposed "news" story "coup-installed leaders", no, they were installed according to the Consitution.

Oh wait, now I understand, he hates our Consititution so maybe he hates them all.

( H/T Drudge)

Edited to make sense and for spelling.

Posted by: Veeshir at 11:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 190 words, total size 3 kb.

July 28, 2009

It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel... mad.

Now this is one of the major contributors to this end of civilization and, surprisingly enough, it's not funny. The results are hilarious, but the action is despicable.
And it shows itself in many different areas.
First up, we have global worming, via Cold Fury we see this Mark Steyn comment
In the mid-nineties, which climatologist and which model predicted the cooling trend of the turn of the century and the oughts? And, if they didn’t, on what basis do you trust their claims for 2050 or 2100?”

To quote that eminent philosopher and cold-ologist, Mr. Freeze, Eggs-zactly.

They throw out all the current numbers, substitute "models" and then demand that we destroy the economy or else we're worse than Holocaust-deniers. And if you point out the actual numbers? You're a tool of Exxon-Mobil or Haliburton or, even worse, Dick Cheney. 

Next up, we have Robert "You're All Racists" Samuels, of all people (he's one of the reasons I finally stopped reading the Wash Post, I got sick of him and Eugene Robinson calling me a racist every Monday morning.)
If you listen to President Obama, his "reform" will satisfy almost everyone. It will insure the uninsured, control runaway health spending, subdue future budget deficits, preserve choice for patients and improve quality of care. These claims are self-serving exaggerations and political fantasies.

And the money quote
They have destroyed what should be a serious national discussion of health care.

Yup. And as we can see from the Steyn bit, so have the global warmmongers and it's spread virtually throughout the leadership of the Democratic Party. The leadership. Sure, politicians lie, that's just what they do. But the Dems lie about anything, even easily checkable things, and are never, ever called on it (unless they're going against Obama or Pelosi, then they're fair game).

How else do you explain the fact that whenever Obama says, "Now let me be clear, I've always..." he then does a 180 from his previous position? 

Every single time he says he's "always stood for" something he's actually changing his stance 180 degrees.

And he's never called on it! He's asked about his jump-shot instead.

Now, it's no surprise that con-men and idealogues lie like nothing to try to get you on their side, and he is a Chicago-machine politician but....

What makes this so endy is that it's fairly new in American history for a party's leaders to be so shameless and self-serving.

We can't properly debate anything in America anymore because of this.

Minitru is happy to lie for their chosen political party.

Their chosen political party can say whatever pops into their willfully ignorant and/or lying skulls (it was funny during the election watching Hillary find out she didn't get a pass when opposing Obama), how else do you explain Biden? Seriously. Joe's says the stupidest thing you've ever heard at least once a day and all we hear is "Oh, that's just Joe being Joe" while Bush purposefully mispronounced words (like nukular, I guarantee that was on purpose) and he's an idiot.

The acolytes of leftism (a new religion with Mother Gaia as their god, Gorequemada as their official inquisitor and Obama as their messiah) shut down any attempt at rational debate with gigantic puppet heads and screeching, unwashed, hippies.
How the hell did Code Pink always get some unwashed hippy three feet away from whichever GOPer was testifying before Congress?
Seriously, remember when Medea Benjamin got within touching distance of Condi Rice during testimony?
The White House reacted harshly Wednesday after a protester at a House hearing got close enough to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to put her dyed hands in Rice’s face.

And it's all of a piece with that dust-up between Patterico and Goldstein.

Patterico seems to want to work within the strictures set by lying, dishonest, win at any cost lefties, setting himself up to be the Washington Generals or John McCain.

Goldstein doesn't want to cede the meanings of words or what is 'acceptable' to lying, leftist douchetools.

Since our political betters in the GOP are mostly in Patterico's camp (with that breeder snow-billy Palin apparently and unashamedly in Goldstein's camp) we're all screwed.

But at least we have the hilarity.

I've been trying to think of what could make this any funnier and the only thing I can think of is for the Dems to impeach Obama so we'll get Biden as president.

And that'll be as funny as funny can be. Until the cities start going up in nukular fireballs. But since it's gonna happen anyway, might as enjoy the ride.

Don't forget, buy ammo.
When gold is worthless, lead and steel will be worth their weight in...uhhh.... lead and steel.
Oh shut up.
You know what I mean.

Posted by: Veeshir at 07:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 811 words, total size 6 kb.

July 27, 2009

Bolle doesn't suck

Now, I'm definitely on record as being second to none in my contempt for the French, which makes it difficult for me because I try to avoid their products.

I still buy brie but I try to get the stuff from Normandy, I hear they still like us.

But in high end sun-glasses, Bolle is my favorite.

I have a convertible so I need anti-glare sunglasses and my usual preference, $5 sunglasses, just don't cut it (heh).
Bolle cost around $100, which is relatively cheap for high-end sunglasses, and they're the toughest. Last time I almost bought a more expensive, Hawaii-themed pair, but for $100 less, the Bolle looked to be at least as good and possibly better.
Better because if I break a $130 pair of sunglass I'm a $100 less bummed than if I break a $230 pair.

I treat mine like crap. I stick them in my front pants-pocket or shorts pockets with my keys and change regularly. I drop them, I walk into stuff (especially on the left side), and they don't get scratched too bad (the left lense has a bad scratch, but I don't need that one). They can bend like mad and don't break.

And most importantly, they're some of the best anti-glare sunglasses on the market. I started using them because I heard some skier friends say they were the best for goggles to cut the glare from the snow when skiing.

My last pair was getting rough. One side had cracked by the ear-piece thing and was ready to go when I took them out of my shorts pocket last week,the other side had broken clean off. Crap.
I called Bolle, and they said for $15 they would replace both ear pieces and for $35 they would change the lenses. I said, "Okay, do both".
The nice, helpful operator said, "Well, for $50 you get a new pair."

These are $100+ new and I just got my brand-new pair for $50.

It's the small things that make me happy.

Posted by: Veeshir at 05:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 341 words, total size 2 kb.

July 26, 2009

Heston Lied People Died!!!1!!

Apparently, bears are becoming intelligent.

Yes, it's a NY Times link so I really should wait until a more reliable source covers it, but I'm going with it anyway.

So anyway, according to this "journalist",
The BearVault 500 withstood the ravages of the test bears at the Folsom City Zoo in California. It has stymied mighty grizzlies weighing up to 1,000 pounds in the backcountry of Yellowstone National Park.
But in one corner of the Adirondacks,
a 125-pound bear ...has managed to systematically decipher a complex locking system that confounds even some campers.

Do you realize what this means?
It won't be Planet of the Apes, it'll be Planet of the Bears!
They already know how to dance and ride bikes, how long until we make them servants?
So Zeus and the rest won't be damn dirty apes, they'll be damn dirty bears.

I figure Zeus will probably be a panda.
Cornelius will be a black bear.

And Aldo will be a freaking polar bear.

I've been making fun of global worming for a long time.

I am so screwed.
(H/T Just One Minute)
 (edited to make sense)

Posted by: Veeshir at 08:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 191 words, total size 2 kb.

July 25, 2009

Dick Morris is a Tool

Ace links to this by Dick Morris claiming that our system is more parliamentary than people want to admit.

While the government does not fall if it loses in the
polling, it limps on until either its ratings improve or
it is voted out of office at the next election.

Ummmm, no.
Bush didn't lead by polls, he led by principle.
I didn't always agree with his principles, but that's what he
did. He was as upopular as Minitru could make him and yet, he
did everything he wanted to do except Social Security and
immigration. Social Security was scuttled by wimpy GOPers who
believed the NY Times that they needed to do nothing or
lose an election.

Amnesty was defeated not by polls, but by Americans calling
their congresscritters and screaming that they had better not
do that crap.

And that's why I think Dick Morris is aptly named, he's a dick.

He doesn't care about principle, he cares about polls.
Clinton rarely tried to direct the polls, he followed them.
And that's why this Dick wrote that column, that's his
philosophy too, he's always believed it. And he's wrong.
When Bush wanted something, he got people to follow.

Dems like this Dick are like the Ghandi quote,
"Look, there go my people,
I must get ahead of them for I am their leader" or whatever.

So that Dick Morris column is as stupid as the rest of his
idiocies and all it does is show that he has no principles
and, indeed, doesn't see any need for them.

Leader by Polls isn't what Americans want, and since the polls
are often "rigged" to get the result our political, intellectual
and social "betters" want, they're often useless.

Posted by: Veeshir at 07:52 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 293 words, total size 2 kb.

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