July 28, 2009
And it shows itself in many different areas.
First up, we have global worming, via Cold Fury we see this Mark Steyn comment
In the mid-nineties, which climatologist and which model predicted the cooling trend of the turn of the century and the oughts? And, if they didn’t, on what basis do you trust their claims for 2050 or 2100?â€
To quote that eminent philosopher and cold-ologist, Mr. Freeze, Eggs-zactly.
They throw out all the current numbers, substitute "models" and then demand that we destroy the economy or else we're worse than Holocaust-deniers. And if you point out the actual numbers? You're a tool of Exxon-Mobil or Haliburton or, even worse, Dick Cheney.
Next up, we have Robert "You're All Racists" Samuels, of all people (he's one of the reasons I finally stopped reading the Wash Post, I got sick of him and Eugene Robinson calling me a racist every Monday morning.)
If you listen to President Obama, his "reform" will satisfy almost everyone. It will insure the uninsured, control runaway health spending, subdue future budget deficits, preserve choice for patients and improve quality of care. These claims are self-serving exaggerations and political fantasies.
And the money quote
They have destroyed what should be a serious national discussion of health care.
Yup. And as we can see from the Steyn bit, so have the global warmmongers and it's spread virtually throughout the leadership of the Democratic Party. The leadership. Sure, politicians lie, that's just what they do. But the Dems lie about anything, even easily checkable things, and are never, ever called on it (unless they're going against Obama or Pelosi, then they're fair game).
How else do you explain the fact that whenever Obama says, "Now let me be clear, I've always..." he then does a 180 from his previous position?
Every single time he says he's "always stood for" something he's actually changing his stance 180 degrees.
And he's never called on it! He's asked about his jump-shot instead.
Now, it's no surprise that con-men and idealogues lie like nothing to try to get you on their side, and he is a Chicago-machine politician but....
What makes this so endy is that it's fairly new in American history for a party's leaders to be so shameless and self-serving.
We can't properly debate anything in America anymore because of this.
Minitru is happy to lie for their chosen political party.
Their chosen political party can say whatever pops into their willfully ignorant and/or lying skulls (it was funny during the election watching Hillary find out she didn't get a pass when opposing Obama), how else do you explain Biden? Seriously. Joe's says the stupidest thing you've ever heard at least once a day and all we hear is "Oh, that's just Joe being Joe" while Bush purposefully mispronounced words (like nukular, I guarantee that was on purpose) and he's an idiot.
The acolytes of leftism (a new religion with Mother Gaia as their god, Gorequemada as their official inquisitor and Obama as their messiah) shut down any attempt at rational debate with gigantic puppet heads and screeching, unwashed, hippies.
How the hell did Code Pink always get some unwashed hippy three feet away from whichever GOPer was testifying before Congress?
Seriously, remember when Medea Benjamin got within touching distance of Condi Rice during testimony?
The White House reacted harshly Wednesday after a protester at a House hearing got close enough to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to put her dyed hands in Rice’s face.
And it's all of a piece with that dust-up between Patterico and Goldstein.
Patterico seems to want to work within the strictures set by lying, dishonest, win at any cost lefties, setting himself up to be the Washington Generals or John McCain.
Goldstein doesn't want to cede the meanings of words or what is 'acceptable' to lying, leftist douchetools.
Since our political betters in the GOP are mostly in Patterico's camp (with that breeder snow-billy Palin apparently and unashamedly in Goldstein's camp) we're all screwed.
But at least we have the hilarity.
I've been trying to think of what could make this any funnier and the only thing I can think of is for the Dems to impeach Obama so we'll get Biden as president.
And that'll be as funny as funny can be. Until the cities start going up in nukular fireballs. But since it's gonna happen anyway, might as enjoy the ride.
Don't forget, buy ammo.
When gold is worthless, lead and steel will be worth their weight in...uhhh.... lead and steel.
Oh shut up.
You know what I mean.
Posted by: Veeshir at
07:11 AM
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July 26, 2009
Yes, it's a NY Times link so I really should wait until a more reliable source covers it, but I'm going with it anyway.
So anyway, according to this "journalist",
The BearVault 500 withstood the ravages of the test bears at the Folsom City Zoo in California. It has stymied mighty grizzlies weighing up to 1,000 pounds in the backcountry of Yellowstone National Park.
But in one corner of the Adirondacks,
a 125-pound bear ...has managed to systematically decipher a complex locking system that confounds even some campers.
Do you realize what this means?
It won't be Planet of the Apes, it'll be Planet of the Bears!
They already know how to dance and ride bikes, how long until we make them servants?
So Zeus and the rest won't be damn dirty apes, they'll be damn dirty bears.
I figure Zeus will probably be a panda.
Cornelius will be a black bear.
And Aldo will be a freaking polar bear.
I've been making fun of global worming for a long time.
I am so screwed.
(H/T Just One Minute)
(edited to make sense)
Posted by: Veeshir at
08:40 AM
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July 24, 2009
But as I read further, I realized that it updated my first post, about Hillary giving the Norks a time out.
So I quote, you decide.
“Sometimes she looks like a primary schoolgirl (I wish. V) and sometimes a pensioner going shopping.â€
So I have to agree with that, in theory. I'm absolutely sure I don't want to see her in a Catholic School Girl Outfit, but she surely acts like someone with a thin grasp of the world.
So far, it looks like an update on the previous post.
But wait, there's still more!
For her part, Mrs. Clinton said she was encouraged by the international support for pressuring North Korea.
But, but, but, but you just said we should ignore them!?!?!?!?! So which is it? Pressure them or ignore them?
So, an update on the first post with a little "We've always been at war with Eastasia" thrown in.
But wait, there's still more!
Even Myanmar, she said, had responded to requests by China and other countries to track a North Korean freighter this month that American officials suspected was carrying illicit cargo.
Yeah, I bet. Burma's super tracking facilities consist of a dude on a hill with a pair of commie Chinese binoculars.
And gratuitously praising Burma? Seriously, why throw that in? There's absolutely no reason to just mention those Buddhist monk murdering despots. And as we read a little further on, the ship never made it to Burma because it turned around so the murderous Burmese dictators never had a chance for their dude with binoculars to see it.
And now just to throw in another amateur hour aspect of the current administration
But even before Thursday’s vitriolic statements from North Korea, American officials said they were more focused for now on inflicting pain on North Korea than on luring it back to the bargaining table.
But, but, but the Super Smart Sec State just said we were going to ignore them?!?!?! Which is it?
And that is why I've started capitalizing The Funniest End Of Civilization Ever and I'll soon have to add at least one exclamation point and maybe more with a few 1s thrown in.
Because nobody's in charge of foreign policy. There's a bunch of assholes and idiots running around saying whatever pops into their willfully ignorant, little brains and it's causing havoc in the world.
And that's the funniest part of all.
Anybody want to bet that all the world leaders, including Iran's neighbors, who spent 8 years bashing Bush are not now saying, "Damn do we miss having adults in charge"?
Think about it, Iran's neighbors, all of them, not just the Jooooos, are scared shitless.
The EUniks are screwed, with Obama destroying our economy, theirs won't be far behind. And as we cut missile defense and lots of our defense spending, they'll be on their own. I hope they have good Russian dictionaries.
Even the murderous commies in China have to be bummed out. Bush wasn't any better at stopping their spying, but at least with him in charge all the American bonds and whatnot were worth something. They're going to be owed $billions by an America that can't afford to pay them.
Tsar Putin I in Russia is probably the only one who's happy, the only way Russia becomes a real player again is for the rest of the world to sink to their level.
What makes it funnier is as cities start going up in nukular fire and Russia and China start getting all invasiony, Obama will blame it all on the Republicans.
We are so screwed.
Posted by: Veeshir at
09:56 AM
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Post contains 633 words, total size 4 kb.
July 21, 2009
You knew my first post had to be about The Funniest End of Civilization Ever.
So our super fantastic Secretary of State, the Smartest Womyn in the Worldtm let's us know NoKo isn't all that big a deal.
"And maybe it's the mother in me or the experience that I've had with small children and unruly teenagers and people who are demanding attention -- don't give it to them, they don't deserve it, they are acting out," she said
So what were these 'unruly children' doing?
North Korea tested a nuclear device in May and fired seven ballistic missiles earlier this month
That "earlier this month" was, of course, the poofy haired maniac celebrating the 4th of July.
So far just mostly endy, but now we get to teh funny from the super diplomat/genius.
They don't pose a threat to us. We know that our allies, Japan and South Korea, are very concerned."
I'll translate, that's super-genius, diplomatese for "Sucks to be you".
See? Both endy and funny.
Posted by: Veeshir at
02:45 PM
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